What is Mercury Retrograde?
Have you ever experienced that mind-boggling moment when the car beside you moves forward and suddenly you feel like you're going backwards? It's like a magic trick that startles you if you're not paying attention! Well, that's exactly how retrograde works! Picture this: Earth zooms past Mercury in orbit, and even though Mercury is moving forward, our speed makes it seem like it's going backwards. It's all about perception, mixed with the mystical symbolism of the planets governing our reality. Yes, there are cosmic rules and programs at play here, ensuring our very existence! Embrace the wonder of Mercury retrograde - it's a cosmic gift of transformation and reflection. Let it shake things up and grant you a brand new perspective on life!
Always ask: “Is this for my Highest Spiritual Good?”
Get ready for an exciting adventure!
Plan two to three times more - Embrace the extra time needed - whether you're grabbing a quick bite or eagerly awaiting a message, Mercury, the planet of communications, is here to spice things up! Get ready for a whirlwind of messages, both from others and from within. Expect some delays, but fret not! Just double or even triple your usual time for tasks and communications, and you'll be all set for a cosmic journey!
Be cautious of Contracts - Contracts are not just agreements, they are also powerful forms of communication. Approach signing contracts with care and caution, as they can be both complex and temporary. Remember, what may seem right during uncertain times might not align with your ultimate path. Stay sharp and stay true to yourself!
Travel cautiously - Remember to double-check all your travel plans because Mercury also rules over travel with its winged feet. Keep in mind that there might be some unexpected delays or cancellations with your scheduled trips, whether it's flights, buses, or any other means of transportation. Stay positive and flexible!
Protect your belongings - Did you know that Mercury is not only the messenger of the gods, but also the god of thieves? That's right, thieves! Sometimes unexpected events occur to impart valuable lessons. You have the power to transform these challenges into opportunities for growth. Remember to always lock your garage, safeguard your personal items, and keep everything secure!

Get pumped up for an electrifying cosmic extravaganza! Mercury doesn't just go into retrograde once or twice, but a whopping three to four times every year, turning things upside down for approximately 2 weeks each time. But wait, there's more! There are other planets out there following their own unique schedules that can trigger some major reversals. Currently, we're witnessing a flurry of planets in retrograde - some of them persisting for years! While Mercury often gets a bad rap, it's time to view these setbacks as golden opportunities for personal growth and enlightenment. Embrace the challenges and allow the cosmic energy to propel you to unprecedented heights!
Always ask: “Is this for my Highest Spiritual Good!?”

Self-Guided Meditation Class! Put out the fire before it starts!